Thursday, October 17, 2013


Alright, so at the last minute I had to change my circuit a bit. Fortunately, I have come to know EAGLE pretty intimately, now! Which, after all, was my primary objective. Some screen shots:

Some of the changes include doubling the size of the circuit (first schematic shown. So, second picture). Other things include changing the type of battery being used, adding a drill hole so the circuit can fit on a key chain, adding my "signature" QUARKy to it, and a bit more)

Also, I did a bit of filming over at 23B. I described how we are going to be updating some of our security systems and talked about various types of locks and how they work. MAYBE I'll post THAT, too!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sorry I haven't posted much for the past two weeks! I have been learning EAGLE CAD, as I mentioned previously. I have designed the circuit myself and have drafted it independently as well. Also, I attended yet another conference (BSIDES; this time, in Orange County!).

The only interesting thing I can think to say is to describe how the circuit works. This particular set of circuits is perfectly elementary. I have a set of resistors in parallel and series, and the same with capacitors. I have used different values; doing a pattern of 3, 2, then 1 (three of one type, followed by 2 of another, then 1 of a final type). This board is called the SMT Trainer Board. It is not just meant to teach others how to do surface mount soldering, however. The idea is that a student can experimentally determine how resistors and capacitors behave in series and parallel and LATER determine how they behave when in the same circuit. This is not just why I chose to 3-2-1 pattern but, why I am going to write an Open Source Wiki instructions, as well-- to walk them through it!

Lastly, to finally "land the point" there will be a simple blink circuit (described previously) attached to the trainer board as well!

Shortly, I will have personally participated in the full product production cycle!

I also intend on loading pictures, soon-ish. We'll see! :)